
There's so much to see in this world, there're so many surprises for us to explore. 這個世界有好多驚喜等著我們去探索

"Be book smart, or be street smart. 行萬里路勝讀萬卷書"

Don't give me wrong, I'm not against reading. In fact, I encourage people to read, it educates us. Travelling on the other hand, gives us experience. Not just a plane ticket, hotel room, attractions, pictures, and social media posts. Through traveling, the eye-opening process gives me the experience of planning, making decisions of our own, dealing with the unknow, taking actions, making friends, getting to know diverse cultures, most important of all, carpe diem. I might have failed in Geography and History in high school, but I learned things that are more valuable through traveling. 別誤會了,我不是反對讀書,事實上我鼓勵大家多唸書,書本教育我們。旅行則給我們經驗。不僅僅是一張機票搭飛機住飯店逛景點拍照Po文。在開闊眼界看世界的過程當中,學習專注當下、面對未知、為自己做決定、採取行動、認識新朋友、不同的文化,這些是書本學習不到的生命經驗。我國高中的地理歷史可能不及格,但透過旅行,我想我學到了比及格更棒的東西。

Our footprints 我們的足跡

Be thankful for everything the universe teaches us. 感謝宇宙教給我們的一切

About Me | 關於我
2016 Percy Lin SLR Photography Show (June 4th - July 31)
2015 Beijing & Toronto 北京 & 多倫多
2009 KinMen, Taiwan 金門台灣
2008 India 印度
2008 Hungary 匈牙利

Brand creation, trend analysis & style consulting

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