2008 India 印度


Bilingual | 中英對照

April 2008, Percy was back to India. Unlike the trip in 2006, the schdule was fully packed this time. Whole 9 days of non-stop university visiting and exhibition. Altough the body was exhausted, it was a rather fulfilling trip. Besides, I got to know a lot more about Indian culture. There're 2 guys that I really need to show my gratitude to. One is the secretary of the TOM in New Delhi, Mr. Tien-Sze & the Indian student - Kumar. Without their help, the trip wouldn't be that succesful. Thank you!


The trip was devided into 3 sections, which are Delhi(3 days), Mumbai(2 days) & Delhi(3 days.) I won't speak too much about Delhi since I've decribed it in 2006. Besides India Gate, the only memorable sight we had been to was the little Taj Mahal...  Once I arrived at Mumbai, it felt like I had arrived in heaven. The streets were a lot cleaner, and the British style building also made me feel a lot more comfortable. However, after some discussion with Kumar, I found out that lots of Indian people prefer New Delhi than Mumbai. I guess it's the ingrained thought that I've always had. Why is British style better? For the Taiwanese representatives who haven't been to New Delhi, Mumbai seemed to be quite terrifying to them. One's heaven is someone else's... Why is that? I wondered.

這次的行程分為3段,分別是3天德里、2天孟買、3天德里。德里的部分我就不多說了,2006年的文章已經大致敘述過。這次除了小泰姬瑪哈陵比較可看之外,其餘有去的景點就是India Gate。一到了孟買,感覺就是天堂了。街道乾淨許多,整個英國殖民風的建築感覺也比較舒服。不過跟Kumar討論過後,發現大部分的印度人都比較喜歡德里...我想那是我腦中固有的想法吧,為什麼英國風就是比較好?對於沒有去過德里的臺灣代表,似乎孟買也是讓他們戒慎恐懼。這種天壤之別的想法,著實讓人深思。

Coming back to New Delhi, I stayed at the same hotel - Hotel Clark International. Even though it's in a small alley, right beside a night market, the traffice was so horrible in the evening that you can hardly move, I like this hotel a lot. For there's a reasonably priced roof top restaurant, free wireless internet and most important of all, I got to shop right downstair and see the authentic Indian Style of living. To sum up, the trip was very fulfilling. Even though it's a bit overwhelming, but I guess it's because of work. If I have a chance, I do want to visit India again. But this time, work free.

回到德里,我重回原先住的飯店:Hotel Clark International。雖然這間名不見經傳的飯店在小小的巷子裡,在吵鬧的夜市旁,交通實在無可救藥、動彈不得。但是我很喜歡。因為有個還算不錯的頂樓餐廳,有無線網路,而且重點是我可以一下樓就開始採購並且融入真正的印度風生活。總之,這次的旅程,非常的充實。雖然有種過度體驗的感覺,不過我想那是因為工作的緣故。有機會,我真的很想實際的再去一趟印度,真正的旅遊。


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