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Yes, that's right. PP visited Thailand in 2006 again.
This year, Percy was teaching in a Junior High School in Taitung. One good thing about being a teach is that you get to take longer vacation during the winter vacation. This time we stayed in Thailand for about 10 days. We decided to go back to one of our favorite places of all-Koh Samet. Then headed to Ayuthaya after getting back to BKK. When we got to Koh Samet, maybe it's because the hotel staff recognized us, or maybe they still had our booking records for the last two visits, they gave us the sea front room! It's only about 10 feet to the beach and we got to listen to the ocean when going to sleep, how nice! One of the waitress even came to us and said "Welcome back" during the first breakfast. I have to admit, it's kinda strange to be recognized when you are abroad. Koh Samet has changed again, there're more shops, more cafes, more hotels. It's gradually losing it's natural taste. Even though, it's still nice to spend whole day lying on the beach, swimming, reading, eating, taking pictures, sleeping...... who wouldn't love it?
Coming back to Bangkok, we stayed at the Royal Princess this time. Nice hotel, good service, but the location wasn't too impressive, what a pity. Pat always talked about visiting Ayuthaya, we never made it until this trip. Booked the package as soon as we arrived at the hotel, and left in the next morning. The package included a bus ride to Ayuthaya (with a stop over, about 1.5~2 hrs), lunch, and a cruise ride back to BKK. We stopped at a king's summer house (huge, spacious, bea...utiful), mixed with Thai Style & European Style.
We came to Ayuthaya finally. It's a bit smaller than I thought it would be, but still quite photogenic. After taking a lot of photos. We found a souvenir market right beside the palace, everything was surprisingly cheap. This was the place where we got all the souvenir shopping done! We cruised back to BKK, it took us about 3 hrs to get back, quite a long time. The reversed itinerary is also provided, depending on what you like.
今年Percy在台東任教,當老師的好處,就是寒暑假可以有比較長的休息時間,所以這次PP在這邊待了十天。我們決定前五天待在我們最愛的小島-Koh Samet,然後回到曼谷之後去參觀錫安古城阿育塔亞(Ayuthaya)。這次PP到Koh Samet,可能是因為記錄上有我們的名字,還是櫃檯人員認出我們,居然給了我們面海的房間~離海灘大概只有十步的距離,真爽。有一次早餐還有一位女服務生經過,說你們又來拉~歡迎歡迎~還閒聊了一下。說實在的,在異國被認出來還有點不太習慣。Koh Samet離我們上一次來,又變了許多。島上的唯一一條商店街,紛紛蓋了民宿,也多了幾間餐廳還有咖啡館。雖然離原始的島嶼越來越遠,不過整天躺在沙灘上,游泳,看書,照相,吃飯,曬太陽,睡覺......這樣的生活真舒服。
離開Koh Samet回到了曼谷,我們這次選擇的飯店是在市中心外的Royal Princess,雖然飯店的服務不錯,也有提供接駁,不過地點還真有點不方便。我們每次來泰國,Pat都有說要去Ayuthaya,不過都一直沒有執行。這次我們一到飯店,就跟飯店訂了一日遊的行程。行程是早上一早出發,做小巴往北走,路程大約1.5~2小時。中間有停留一個類似國王住所的地方,有點歐式風+泰式風的建築,還不賴。最後來到了Ayuthaya,感覺比我想像中的小一點,不過每到這種景點,還是會不自禁的拍一堆照片。景點的旁邊,一定會有的就是販賣紀念品的地點。原本想說這麼有名的景點,紀念品一定都很貴。沒想到剛好相反,反倒比曼谷最便宜的地方還便宜! 二話不說,就把這趟旅程該買的東西一次買完了。回到曼谷的方式是搭乘遊艇,時間還蠻長的,莫約3個小時。旅行社也提供相反的行程,也就是搭船去,搭巴士回來,就看個人喜好囉~