It's Chinese New Year again. We were planning a trip to the Philippines this time, but it turned out that everything was fully booked. So we browsed online a bit, the only affordable & available destination was our second home - Thailand. So, PP visited Thailand for the fourth time. However, we didn't go anywhere but spent the whole time shopping in BKK. What's there to shop? The Dettol soap(It's rather expensive in Taiwan), the less expensive Regaine (Blush...), the cheap jeans & shirt at MBK, if time allowed and if we have extra energy, we would go visit the Chatuchak weekend market, wondering if there're new designs of products. It's rather convenient to go to these two places, just hop on the BTS and go to National Stadium & Mo Chit, you'll see yourself there.
又是一年一度的新年,原定想要去菲律賓的PP,看好良辰吉日之後準備要來訂票。結果...完全訂不到票!@@! 上網看了一下,付得起又有空位的,就只剩下我們的第二個家 -- 泰國,於是乎,PP又四度造訪了泰國。不過這一次就只有待在曼谷,沒有去別的地方。每次來到曼谷,第一件事情就是去採購,採購什麼呢? 在台灣很貴的滴露香皂、在泰國很便宜的落建洗髮精(羞...)、MBK裡的便宜牛仔褲&襯衫,心有餘力時間也夠的話就會跑去恰圖恰克(Chatuchak)假日市集逛逛,看有沒有新的產品問世。要去這兩個地方其實很簡單,只要搭BTS(捷運)到National Stadium和Mo Chit就可咧~