Bilingual | 中英對照
After planning for 2 or 3 months, PP, Jason & Marina started " The Road Trip of our Life"! Here's what we did:
Flew from Taipei to Los Angeles -> Las Vegas -> Hoover Dam -> Grand Canyon -> Phoenix -> San Antonio -> New Orleans -> Miami -> Washington -> Skaneateles -> Detroit -> Toronto (Niagara Falls) -> Detroit -> Badlands -> Vancouver -> San Francisco & San Diego (Only JM visited these two places, PP stayed in Vancouver) -> Los Angeles, flew back to Taipei.
It seems like a short list, but the mileage on the rental car! We could actually drive from Taipei to Los Angeles! Before we hit te road, we were all so excited and full of passion, we couldn't wait to see it all and we couldn't be happier~ It lasted about half way through until the well-known "Cabin Fever" hit us. After the journey, PP & JM did not speak to each other for about six months, lol~ Now we look back, the trip was really worthwhile, we saw a lot of places, a lot of people. It's not like traveling around the whole world, but it's definitely one thing that we're all very proud of!