Bilingual | 中英對照
April 2002, PP went to Europe for 4 weeks. We flew to Istanbul from Taipei (via HK & Zurich, it took us exactly 24 hrs door to tiring!) After spending almost 5 fantastic days in Istanbul, we took a bus to Selcuk in central Turkey and saw the extrodanary ruin - Ephesus for a day. After Selcuk, we went to Turkey's southest city, Marmaris (We loved it there!), then to Rhode Island (Greece) by boat. We also stopped in Crete (Where we had the most amazing grilled octopus) and Santorini (Sooooo beautiful) then flew to Athens. Afterwards, Percy went back home and Pat went to Portugal (I should have gone with him! I thught it might be too long a vacation for me, but my colleague told me: "Why didin't u take another week off? You were already there~!" That's comforting......) For those who would like to visit Turkey & Greece, we recommend you to visit Greece first then go to Turkey. Cuz honestly, after seeing the Ephesus, I don't think the Acropolis in Athens will amaze you that much.
2002年4月,PP造訪歐洲,為時4個星期。路線從先從台北飛往伊斯坦堡(via香港&蘇黎世......共飛了24小時,累死人......),在伊斯坦堡待了將近五天的時間,再坐bus到土耳其中部的Selcuk去看Ephesus遺跡,待了一天之後,又再坐bus到最南邊的Marmaris(超愛這邊的拉!),待了兩天,便搭船前往希臘Rhode島、Crete島(中間也去了Santorini,太美了!),最後才到雅典看衛城,隨後Percy回台灣,Pat飛往葡萄牙(當時應該跟他一起去的...口恨...回到台灣同事老師們都說,幹嘛不多請一個禮拜......OOXX......) 給之後要去的人一個建議,先去希臘再到土耳其,因為看完幅員廣大的Ephesus之後,說實在的,衛城會顯得有點不夠看......